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Written Test:
The written test is purely technical and mostly covers mainly computer engineering related subjects.The paper is multiple choice with negative marking. It consists of some 25 questions to be done in 1 hour.The questions are based on subjects such as Data Structures , Networking, Digital Circuits and Logic Design , C, Operating Systems, Automata Theory, Basic Communications, Compiler Design, Micro processor.Remeber u will be having the negative marking.... AND DO CHK ALL THE PAPERS GIVEN BELOW THEY LOOK SAME BUT THERE ARE SOME DIFF QUESTIONS AVAILABLE IN EACH OF THEM FROM OTHERS LIKE IN 24 APRIL PAPER QUESTIONS FOR OUTPUT.
1.Access time of a drum of 4000rpm?
2.Allocation units for Automatic,Global and Static variables.
a) Stack, Heap, Heap
b) Heap, Stack, Heap
c)Stack, Heap, Stack
3.Where are the automatic variables stored and when it is removed?
4.FUNC(x,y) John Jacob
John->main function
a) No of times the FUNC is called
b) Place where the FUNC is called
c) Type of return value
d) Type of actual parameters
e) Type of formal parameters
6. Hardware is used in memory management for reallocation ……
ans c)To reduce execution time.
int a[10]={60,57,10,5,4,3,2,8,9};
main( )
int varx,vary;
for (i=0;i<10;i++)
if(varx { vary=varx; varx=a[1]; }
1 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 |
1 |
| 1 | 1 |
4. For the POS form of the expression given below
_ _ _
X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.( Y + Z )
5. In a computer system the ROM :
(a) contains boot software
(b) is permanent
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
Ans. ©
6. The binary equivalent of 3B7F is
Ans. 0011 1011 0111 1111
7. The register used by the shift reduce passing method is
Ans. Stack
8. A microprogram can be defines as to consist of
Ans. A primitive operation
9. Find the output for the following C program
int array[4][4] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
for (i=2;i<0;i--)
for (j=2;j<=0;j--)
printf(“%d”, arr[i][j]);
10. Find the output for the following C program
void main()
{int i,x,sum=0;
int arr[6]=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
sum+ = func(arr[i]);
printf(“%d”, sum);
func(int x)
{ int val,x;
val = 2;
return(x+ val++);
11. Given the following data:
· Process P1 takes 2 seconds
· Process P2 takes 3 seconds
· Process P3 takes 4 seconds
· Process P4 takes 1 second
· Process P5 takes 6 seconds
Find the average time in case of shortest job first (SJF) scheduling.
12. Given a string STOCK and a stack of size 4.
Which of the following strings cannot be generated using this stack.
(e) None of these
13. Inversion of a matrix will take which of the following time complexities?
(a) O(n)
(b) O(n²)
(c) O(log n)
(d) O(n³)
(e) None of these
14. A drum rotates at 4000 rpm. What is its average access time.
15. What range of integral values can be stored using 32 bits?
16. Where are the following variables stored
· Automatic
· Global
· Static
17. If a layer 4 transfers data at the rate of 3000 bytes/sec.
What will be the size of data block transferred by Layer 2
18. What is the greatest disadvantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM
Ans. High Power and need to refresh every 2 ms.
19. What happens when the CPU gets interrupted?
20. Find the Postfix of the following string
(a + b) * ((-d) *f (ab - cd))
21. E --> E + E| E * E | E/E | E - E| .... then which is correct
(a) It is ambigous
(b) It is inherently ambigous
(c) It is non inherently ambigous
(d) None of the above
22. If there are n nodes and K edges in a graph then what is the order of traversing
Ans. O(n²)
23. A graph is represented as an adjacency list with n vertices and e edges
What is its time complexity
Ans. O(n + e)
24. An array with address KV[a] had n elements. Which of the following correctly addresses the ith element of the array.
(a) KV(a) - 2a + 2i
(b) KV(a) +2i
(c) KV(a) - 2a
(d) None of these
25. Give an example of a primitive instruction in microprocessors.
26. A computer has 8 bit data bus and 16 bit address line.
How many machine cycles will it take to store the contents to a memory location?
27. Where is a variable defined in a function stores?
Ans. Process Swappable Area
28. For the following C progralm
int d=0;
for(int i=0;i<31;i++)
for(int j=0;j<31;j++)
for(int k=0;k<31;k++)
if (((i+j+k) % 3)==0)
Find value of d
29. e=
What forms do the expressions created by the above definition fit in
Ans. All arithematic expressions
30. If a set of numbers are in sorted order then which of the following sorting method is best
Ans. Bubble Sort
31. A magnetic tape is similar to which of the following structures
Ans. List
32. The s/n id 3 dB Find the capacity of the line.
40 min - 30 Questions
Correct ans 3 marks
Wrong ans -1 mark
There were 3 or 4 different sets of questions......
1.) S --> AB|AS
A --> a|aA
B --> b
What is the grammar accepted by the above?
Ans-> aa*b
2.)Given a string STOCK and a stack of size 4.
Which of the following strings cannot be generated using this
(e) None of these
3.)Where are the following variables stored
(d)None of these
Ans-> (d)
4.) What is the greatest disadvantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM
Ans. capacitor needs to refresh every 2 ms.
5.) What happens when the CPU gets interrupted?
(a)Performs ISR immediately
(b)releases the memory and data bus for the interrupting process
(c)Finishes the current instruction and performs ISR
(d)gets halted
6.) The s/n id 3 dB and freq is 300hz.Find the capacity of the line.
(e) None of these
7.) How much infomation can be stored between fffh-f00h address space.
(a)1024 bytes
(b)2048 bytes
(c)4096 bytes
(d)None of these
void main()
int ari[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
char arc[] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};
printf("%d %d",&ari[4]-&ari[2],&arc[3]-&arc[0]);
Ans -> 2 3
9.) Find the POS form of the expression given below
_ _ _
X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.( Y + Z )
10.) The binary equivalent of 3B7F is
Ans. 0011 1011 0111 1111
11.) A microprogram can be defines as to consist of
Ans. A primitive operation
12.) A drum rotates at 4000 rpm. What is its average access time.
13.) What range of integral values can be stored using 32 bits?
14.) e=
(a.) It is ambigous
(b.) generates all the arithemetic expressions for addition,
subtraction and multiplication
(c) It is non inherently ambigous
(d) None of the above
15.) the sorting algorithm that requires maximum comparisons when in
sorted order and minimum comparisons when in reverse order?
(a.) straight insertion sort
(b.) binary insertion sort
(c.) heap sort
(d.) bubble sort
16.) A graph is represented as an adjacency list with n vertices and
e edges
What is its time complexity
17.) A variable in a function cannot be accessed outside the
function, why? (think the question is like this)
(a.) garbage collection
(b.) because it exists in swap area of memory
(c.)it gets popped out of the stack
18.)How many addresses are possible with 512 64kb segments?
19.) A question on pages and pagetables, i think to find the wrong
statement of the given
(a.) small pages implies large page tables
(b.) larger pages implies i/o operations efficiency
(don't remember the rest of the options, though the answer lies
20.) A reference string was given and using LRU page replacement
algorithm we were asked to find the state of the memory during 3rd
page fault, the memory size being 3 pages.....
21.) A finite automaton was given and we were asked to find the
expression that represented the language that could be accepted by
the finite automaton
22.) There was a question on networks given a set of data like
5 byte header for network layer and maximum data allowed 110 bytes
similar data for 2 other layers
question was to find the actual number of bytes send if the data
size was --------bytes under conditions like no separate
acknowledgement frames required, etc.....
23.) there was a program given on an array of unsigned integers and i
think the answer was that the program was to find the largest and
second largest of the elements in an array.
24.) John and Jacob are assigned the tasks of writing main() and a
function funct(X,Y )in Pascal. Where will there be conflicts between
the two?
(a.) the position of main and function
(b.) the type of function
(c.) the number of times the function is called
(d.) in the paramters
(i'm not sure abt the options)
25.)there was question on why h/w translation was required for
memory relocation? (pretty easy one, don't remember the options)
26.) to find the prefix of (a+b)*(c-d)
void main()
{int i,x=4,sum=0;
int arr[6]=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
sum+ = func(arr[i]);
printf("%d", sum);
func(int x)
{ int val,x;
val = 2;
return(x+ val++);
(there was another twist in the question about a static declaration
in the function, though i cannot recollect) f
28.)With a 2 line x decoder and 2 line y decoder how many address
lines could be decoded with two dimensional addressing?
(a.) 4
(b.) 16
(c.) 32
(d.) 64
::Another version::
1.) Output of folowing C code
void main()
int i=4,j=5;
(a) 0
(b) 0.8
(c) 1
(d) None of these
Ans-> (d)
2.) In which of the following postfix notations there is no confusion
between unary and binary minus.
[note:I am not sure about the choices]
(a) a*b--
(b) a--bc
3.) Output of folowing C code
void main()
int i=0,j=0;
int arr[4][4] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
for (i=2;i>=0;i--)
printf("%d ", *(*(arr+j)+i));
(a)11 10 9 7 6 5 3 2 1
(b)11 7 3 10 6 2 9 5 1
(d)None of these
Ans-> (b)
4.) If there is 4 jobs(j1,j2,j3,j4) and there deadlines
of the followinf sheduling is not possible.
(a)j1 j3 j2 j4
(b)j1 j2 j4 j3
(c)j1 j3 j4 j2
(d)j3 j1 j2 j4
5.) .4 process allocated 8000 bytes of memory according to best fit
p1 - 2000
p2 - 2000
p3 - 2500
p4 - 1500
p1 and p4 is released.If a process p with 1000 bytes enter where will
it be paced
(a)After p1
(b)After p3
(c)Cannot be placed
6.) Heap with 10 bytes is present.Then which of the following series
4 options of a series of malloc and free funtions.Don't remeber the
choices but easy to get the answer.
7.).All combinational circuits can be implemented by
(a)Only NOR
(b)Only NAND
(c)Only XOR
(d)None of these
Ans-> (d)
8.) void main()
{ int a=10,b=11;
(a.) 22,23
(b.) 23,24
(c.) 21,22
(d.) none
They themselves had said to us after their powerpoint
presentation that they gonna repeat the questions, so check this
The Questions are follows
1. Number of null pointers in any binary tree = n+1
2. max(t1,t2,...tn) = pipelining
3. 50% -DBETXXXXXX - density
4. print (Head(T))
print (Head(T))
Traverse(right(T)) - ans: none of the above
5. Boolean expn Evalvate
6. Common subexpn : - ans : a + e
7. LRU : 1, 2, 3.
8. Tr. Delay - 10000 bits ans. 10.01
9. Grammar of Number of shift / reduce operator : ans. 4
10. CPU scheduling 9,8 ?
11. if even x/2
else p(p(3x+1))
2^k + 1: 3 . 2^(k-1) clarify this with sans
12. allocation ans: (ii) only
13. swapping : ans: reference only
14. Compiler - related Qn.
15. LAN frames - ? related Qn.
16. parameter passing (35,20)
17. sliding window protocol
18. kernel mode - deallocate resource
19. logic circuit
ans . Minimum OR = 3
20. Combinatorics related
21. priority scheduling
22. cobegin
begin x = y; x= x+1; y= x
begin x =y; z= z+1; y= z
ans. Number of values possi = 2
23. 2 bits flip / 2 bits exchange
ans : the word with one '1'
24. any addr
K^+ v(a) + 2I - 2a
You try to prepare all subject questions in all the papers being
sent so that it will be useful in the interview.
concentrate on OS, networks.