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Paper Pattern

1. Online aptitude test.
that is u have to giv ur exam on a PC..

2. GD
Here they look for gud points..that is ur ideas are important n not how loud or aggressive u

3. Interview
a few HR Ques are as follows..

  • tell me smthg abt urself
  • how do u look at life
  • can u handle stress
  • what is problem with working in teams
  • No tech quesns were asked.But better be prepared!!!



  1. main()
    int i;
    printf("%d", &i)+1;
    scanf("%d", i)-1;

    a. Runtime error.
    b. Runtime error. Access violation.
    c. Compile error. Illegal syntax
    d. None of the above

  2. main(int argc, char *argv[])
    (main && argc) ? main(argc-1, NULL) : return 0;

    a. Runtime error.
    b. Compile error. Illegal syntax
    c. Gets into Infinite loop
    d. None of the above

  3. main()
    int i;
    float *pf;
    pf = (float *)&i;
    *pf = 100.00;
    printf("%d", i);

    a. Runtime error.
    b. 100
    c. Some Integer not 100
    d. None of the above

  4. main()
    int i = 0xff;
    printf("%d", i<<2);

    a. 4
    b. 512
    c. 1020
    d. 1024

  5. #define SQR(x) x * x
    printf("%d", 225/SQR(15));

    a. 1
    b. 225
    c. 15
    d. none of the above

  6. union u
    struct st
    int i : 4;
    int j : 4;
    int k : 4;
    int l;
    int i;

    u.i = 100;
    printf("%d, %d, %d",u.i,,;

    a. 4, 4, 0
    b. 0, 0, 0
    c. 100, 4, 0
    d. 40, 4, 0

  7. union u
    union u
    int i;
    int j;
    int b[10];

    printf("%d", sizeof(u));
    printf("%d", sizeof(u.a));
    printf("%d", sizeof(u.a[0].i));
    a. 4, 4, 0
    b. 0, 0, 0
    c. 100, 4, 0
    d. 40, 4, 0

  8. main()
    int (*functable[2])(char *format, ...) ={printf, scanf};
    int i = 100;

    (*functable[0])("%d", i);
    (*functable[1])("%d", i);
    (*functable[1])("%d", i);
    (*functable[0])("%d", &i);

    a. 100, Runtime error.
    b. 100, Random number, Random number, Random number.
    c. Compile error
    d. 100, Random number

  9. main()
    int i, j, *p;
    i = 25;
    j = 100;
    p = &i; /* Address of i is assigned to pointer p */
    printf("%f", i/(*p)); /* i is divided by pointer p */

    a. Runtime error.
    b. 1.00000
    c. Compile error
    d. 0.00000

  10. main()
    int i, j;
    scanf("%d %d"+scanf("%d %d", &i, &j));
    printf("%d %d", i, j);

    a. Runtime error.
    b. 0, 0
    c. Compile error
    d. the first two values entered by the user

  11. main()
    char *p = "hello world";
    p[0] = 'H';
    printf("%s", p);

    a. Runtime error.
    b. “Hello world” c. Compile error
    d. “hello world”

  12. main()
    char * strA;
    char * strB = “I am OK”; memcpy( strA, strB, 6);

    a. Runtime error.
    b. “I am OK” c. Compile error
    d. “I am O”

  13. How will you print % character?
    a. printf(“\%”) b. printf(“\\%”) c. printf(“%%”) d. printf(“\%%”)

  14. const int perplexed = 2;
    #define perplexed 3
    #ifdef perplexed
    #undef perplexed
    #define perplexed 4
    printf(“%d”,perplexed); }

    a. 0
    b. 2
    c. 4
    d. none of the above

  15. struct Foo
    char *pName;

    struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo));
    strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name");
    printf("%s", obj->pName);

    a. “Your Name” b. compile error
    c. “Name” d. Runtime error

  16. struct Foo
    char *pName;
    char *pAddress;
    struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo));
    obj->pName = malloc(100);
    obj->pAddress = malloc(100);
    strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name");
    strcpy(obj->pAddress, "Your Address");
    printf("%s", obj->pName);
    printf("%s", obj->pAddress);

    a. “Your Name”, “Your Address” b. “Your Address”, “Your Address” c. “Your Name” “Your Name” d. None of the above

  17. main()
    char *a = "Hello ";
    char *b = "World";
    printf("%s", stract(a,b));

    a. “Hello” b. “Hello World” c. “HelloWorld” d. None of the above

  18. main()
    char *a = "Hello ";
    char *b = "World";
    printf("%s", strcpy(a,b));

    a. “Hello” b. “Hello World” c. “HelloWorld” d. None of the above

  19. void func1(int (*a)[10])
    printf("Ok it works");

    void func2(int a[][10])
    printf("Will this work?");

    int a[10][10];

    a. “Ok it works” b. “Will this work?” c. “Ok it works Will this work?” d. None of the above

  20. main()
    printf("%d, %d", sizeof('c'), sizeof(100));

    a. 2, 2
    b. 2, 100
    c. 4, 100
    d. 4, 4

  21. main()
    int i = 100;
    printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i)));

    a. 2
    b. 100
    c. 4
    d. none of the above

  22. main()
    int c = 5;
    printf("%d", main|c);

    a. 1
    b. 5
    c. 0
    d. none of the above

  23. main()
    char c;
    int i = 456;
    c = i;
    printf("%d", c);

    a. 456
    b. -456
    c. random number
    d. none of the above

  24. oid main ()
    int x = 10;
    printf ("x = %d, y = %d", x,--x++);

    a. 10, 10
    b. 10, 9
    c. 10, 11
    d. none of the above

  25. main()
    int i =10, j = 20;
    printf("%d, %d\n", j-- , --i);
    printf("%d, %d\n", j++ , ++i);

    a. 20, 10, 20, 10
    b. 20, 9, 20, 10
    c. 20, 9, 19, 10
    d. 19, 9, 20, 10

  26. main()
    int x=5;
    for(;x==0;x--) {
    printf(“x=%d\n”, x--); }
    a. 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
    b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    c. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    d. none of the above

  27. main()
    int x=5;
    for(;x!=0;x--) {
    printf(“x=%d\n”, x--); }
    a. 5, 4, 3, 2,1
    b. 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
    c. 5, 3, 1
    d. none of the above

  28. main()
    int x=5;
    printf(“x=%d ”, x--); }
    a. 5, 3, 1
    b. 5, 2, 1,
    c. 5, 3, 1, -1, 3
    d. –3, -1, 1, 3, 5

  29. main()
    unsigned int bit=256;
    printf(“%d”, bit); }
    unsigned int bit=512;
    printf(“%d”, bit); }

    a. 256, 256
    b. 512, 512
    c. 256, 512
    d. Compile error

  30. main()
    int i;
    printf("%d\n", 1L << i);
    a. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
    b. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    c. 0, 1, 2, 4, 8
    d. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16

  31. main()
    signed int bit=512, i=5;

    printf("%d\n", bit = (bit >> (i - (i -1))));
    512, 256, 128, 64, 32
    b. 256, 128, 64, 32, 16
    c. 128, 64, 32, 16, 8
    d. 64, 32, 16, 8, 4

  32. main()
    signed int bit=512, i=5;

    printf("%d\n", bit >> (i - (i -1)));

    a. 512, 256, 0, 0, 0
    b. 256, 256, 0, 0, 0
    c. 512, 512, 512, 512, 512
    d. 256, 256, 256, 256, 256

  33. main()
    if (!(1&&0))
    printf("OK I am done.");
    printf(“OK I am gone.”); }

    a. OK I am done
    b. OK I am gone
    c. compile error
    d. none of the above

  34. main()
    if ((1||0) && (0||1))
    printf("OK I am done.");
    printf(“OK I am gone.”); }

    a. OK I am done
    b. OK I am gone
    c. compile error
    d. none of the above

  35. main()
    signed int bit=512, mBit;

    mBit = ~bit;
    bit = bit & ~bit ;

    printf("%d %d", bit, mBit);

    a. 0, 0
    b. 0, 513
    c. 512, 0
    d. 0, -513




This pattern below is for computer science (CS) students only. There was another set of paper for MECH branch students.

Section 1:This section had only technical question. They were mainly from Pointers in C, C++, Data Structures and some questions on OS, DBMS.This section also had lots of question on bit conversions (HEX to Binary, decimal) and one question on finding 2's compliment and such others. There were few questions on finding TRUE/FALSE statement which was bit confusing. Question to calculate square root, cube root of a number were also included.
Overall, this section was easy if you are good with your basics. The questions were mainly around the basic concepts only.
Each question had four options (A, B, C, D) and we had to find the most appropriate answer. Each correct answer carries 2 marks and there is a negative marking of 1 for each wrong answer. So be careful while attempting these questions.

Section 2:This had only general English questions. No book will help you to answer these questions; instead you should have good knowledge of grammar and different English works.
There was a paragraph with some blanks in between. So we had to find the appropriate words to fill in, from the given options. Other questions included comprehension, synonyms, proverbs type question and others.
This section needs some intelligent guessing as you feel that all of the given options are correct and sometimes all are wrong.
Each correct answer carries 1 mark and there is a negative mark of 0.5.

BOSCH REXROTH AG , Vatva , Ahmedabad, ON 24th Aug. 2004

1. Critical stress at which material will start to flow
(b)ultimate tensile stress
(c) proof stress
(d) none o the above

2. maximum degree of freedom in space Ans. 6

3. bearing which will take axial and radial loads.
(a) thrust bearing
(b) deep groove
(c) taper roller
(d) ---

4. volume of water per cubic metre of air.
(a)specific volume
(b) specific gravity
(c) vapour pressure
(d) none of above

5. fluid is flowing through a frustum of cone. what is the nature of graph of velocity Vs. c/s area. {flow = velocity X c/s area}
(a) parabola
(b) hyperbola
(c) y=mx+c
(d) x=x.

6. Fluid in a pipe having no change in profile with change in length of pipe ...explain type of flow.
c)fully developed profile
d)steady flow

7. Which are correct
I) Navier Stokes Eq. is .... of momentum conservation eq.
II)bernoulis eq. is for viscous flow
III) REYNOLD no. >3000 always for turbulent flow.
a)I and II correct
b)I and II not correct
c)II and III correct
d)II and III not correct

8. Which can't be removed during alloying from Fe alloys
a) co
b) N
c) Si
d) As

9.There are two ropes burning non uniformly (rate) and clock half an hour each. which can't be clocked ?
a) 1 Hr.
b) 45 min
c)15 min

10. Lim n->0 (1+ 1/n)^n =
a) 1

11.time dependent increase in length at steady temp. is called
a) superplasticity
b) creep
c) fatigue
d) none

12. Vicosity change with increasing temp.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) same
d) first decreases and then increases.

13. Direction of friction in bicycle tyres
a) along motion
b) opp. motion
c) Front opp. motion and vice versa
d) rear opp. motion and vice versa

14. Sp. gravity of a fluid
a) density of fluid at 0`c / density of water at o`c.
b) density of fluid at 0`c / density of water at T`c.
c) density of fluid at T`c / density of water at o`c.
d) density of fluid at T`c / density of water at T`c.

15. lateral strain / longitudinal strain
a) Poission's Ratio
b) Bulk Modulus
c) Modulus Of Elasticity
d) None

16. 10 coins & 1 defected coin and 2 weighs Find min weighs req. to detect faulty coin
a) 2

17. 9 members in meeting scheluled at 10:00 A.M. , all reaches at 9:48 A.M. . one member req. 2 min to intro with other find meeting delay with scheduled time of 10:00 A.M..
a) 1 Hr.
b) 6 min
c) ...
d)At scheduled time

18. A completes job in 10 hr. and B completes in 15 hr.. Find when both together works
a) 6 hr.
b) 8 hr
c) 10 hr
d) none

19. A ball dropped from H height and moves 80% of height each time.Total dist. covered
a) 4H
b) 5H
c) 7H
d) 9H

20. A cantilever beam loaded at free end find reinforcement place
a) AT neutral axis
b) above neutral axis
c) below neutral axis
d) above and below neutral axis

21. punching a sheet of D dia and T thickness and S ultimate tensile stress
a) 3.14 DTS
b) 3.14TS X D^2
c) 6.28 DTS
d)6.28 TS x D^2

22. ...

23. two easy ques. of string mass equilibrium system...

24. Microstructure after quenching
a) Mertensite
b) pearlite
c) ........



Interview Procedure :

The information on the interview is pretty sketchy but it may consist of both technical grilling and HR interview

The written test is purely technical with stress on Networking, C, Operating Systems, Data Structures etc. You should be clear with the fundamentals of these and other core subjects. Questions are mainly multiple-choice though this may vary.

About The Company :

Axes Technologies(I) Pvt. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Axes Technologies Inc, Dallas, USA and was set up in 1995 in Bangalore. The Chennai center came up in 1997 and a second center was established in Bangalore in 1998.
Axes specializes in the development of telecom software. Axes has developed high quality software for Long Distance Tandem and Mobile Switches. Axes has state-of-the-art infrastructure and computing environment at its facilities spread over 50,000 sq.ft. Over 275 talented software professionals work here. Axes is a 100% export oriented unit - set up under the umbrella of Software Technology Park (STP) of the Government of India.
Axes products are currently being used by leading telecom companies all over the world. Axes is executing projects in the areas of Tandem Switches, Cellular Switches, STP, Network Management, AIN Peripherals and Digital Loop Carrier Systems. The Bangalore center has been certified for ISO 9001 by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and is working towards achieving SEI CMM level 4.


Computer science branch students had 4 sections to
1 .General aptitude (simple - easier than RSAgarwal)
Q-11. was wrong it was relating to some fatal relationship. the other's were number sequencing,
GRE analogies, antonyms (abt. 10 q's). totally about 50 q's
2 .Microcontroller 8086 (basics only,some q's like max. unsigned number in 8086 ans = power16 ) there were some small codes you need to tracae.
3 .'c' was simple, there were some stubs o/p was to be traced. there was one bit wise 'or'
4 .I felt this the toughest (Java/C++/OSconcepts) Java and C++ were general questions, no progs. and os was easy. (i guess i got just 40 % right in this section)


Computer Awareness
1. A 2MB PCM(pulse code modulation) has

a) 32 channels
b) 30 voice channels & 1 signalling channel.
c) 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel.
d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signalling channel, & 1 Synchronizatio channel. Ans: (c)

2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is
a) 1/2 second
b) 1 seconds
c) 4 seconds
d) 2 seconds Ans: (a)

3. Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is :
a) only one
b) more han one
c) two hops
d) four hops Ans: (c)

4. What is the max. decimal number that can be accomodated in a byte.
a) 128
b) 256
c) 255
d) 512 Ans: (c)

5. Conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor is stored in
a) register
b) accumulator
c) flag register
d) flag register part of PSW(Program Status Word) Ans: (d)

6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is
a) 4 Khz
b) 8 Khz
c) 16 Khz
d) 64 Khz Ans: (a)

7. Line of Sight is
a) Straight Line
b) Parabolic
c) Tx & Rx should be visible to each other
d) none Ans: (c)

8. Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a MicroProcessor is
a) To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack)
b) To store address of next instruction to be executed.
c) count the number of instructions.
d) to store base address of the stack. Ans: (b)

9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-maskable interrupt?
a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.
b) Processor serves the interupt request after completing the current task.
c) Processor serves the interupt request immediately.
d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the current task under execution. Ans: (a)

10. The status of the Kernel is
a) task
b) process
c) not defined.
d) none of the above. Ans: (b)

11 What is the nominal voltage required in subscriber loop connected to local exchange?
a) +48 volts
b) -48 volts
c) 230 volts
d) 110 volts

12. To send a data packet using datagram , connection will be established
a) before data transmission.
b) connection is not established before data transmission.
c) no connection is required.
d) none of the above. Ans: (c)

13. Word allignment is
a) alligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine.
b) alligning to even boundary.
c) alligning to word boundary.
d) none of the above. Ans: (a)

14 When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into the stack is
a) left to right
b) right to left
c) bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variales.
d) smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones.
e) none of the above. Ans: (b)

15 What is the type of signalling used between two exchanges?
a) inband
b) common channel signalling
c) any of the above
d) none of the above. Ans: (a)

16. Buffering is
a) the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds
b) a method to reduce cross talks
c) storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to receive.
d) a method to reduce routing overhead. Ans: (a)

17. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place between
a) peers
b) non-peers
c) allocated on stack
d) assigned to registers.

18. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is
a) allocated in RAM.
b) allocated in ROM.
c) allocated on stack.
d) assigned to registers. Ans: (c)

19. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is
a) terminal adapter
b) bulletin board
c) modem
d) terminal emulation Ans: (d)

The following questions (Q20-Q33) are of a slightly different pattern than those above and may also be asked:

20. Find the output of the following program

int *p,*q;
p=(int *)1000;
q=(int *)2000;
Ans: 500

21. What does the statement int(*x[])() indicate?

22. Which addressing mode is used in the following statements:
(a) MVI B,55
(b) MOV B,A
(c) MOV M,A
(a) Immediate addressing mode.
(b) Register Addressing Mode
(c) Direct addressing mode

23. RS-232C standard is used in _____________. Ans. Serial I/O

24. How are parameters passed to the main function?

25. What does the file stdio.h contain?
a) functin definition
b) function decleration
c) both func. defn & func. decleration.

26. sscanf is used for ?

27. Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by
a) Memory Management Unit
b) Memory management software of the Operating System
c) Kernel Ans: (b)

28. What does the statement strcat(S2,S1) do?

29. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) is Connection Oriented and used in ______________ layer?

30. IP(Internet Protocol) is connectionless and used in _________________ layer?

31. For LAN Netwrok layer is not required. Why?

32. What is done for a Push opertion? Ans: SP is decremented and then the value is stored.

33. Describe the following structures as LIFO/FILO/FIFO/LILO (a) Stack (b) Queue


What Should NOT Be On Your Resume!!

In our eagerness to obtain an interview, we sometimes have a tendency to provide a prospective employer with inappropriate information that would be detrimental to us, resulting in both a loss of interest and an interview.

Keep in mind that a prospective employer, who must review 200 to 400 resumes for an advertised position, is busy and has to rule out or disqualify all but a handful of those resumes in an attempt to find only qualified candidates. If he or she can't easily find what they are looking for immediately (in 20 seconds), it probably will get discarded. In order to avoid having your resume land in the "round file," here are a few hints.

· Avoid nicknames, using your business name and middle initial.

· Don't try to impress or insult the employer with fancy words as you may frustrate them and perhaps have your resume rejected.

· Never include personal information such as age, race, gender, height, weight, religion, national origin, marital status, children, health, physical appearance, or a photograph of yourself.

· Do not handwrite your resume. Typewriters are fine, but a computer and printer should be used if possible. Be sure to use tabs instead of the space bar when typing.

· In your Objective, never tell an employer what YOU expect out of a job -- only what you can contribute. Keep in mind that it's not up to the employer to motivate you and present challenges

. it's up to YOU. If you mention in your objective that you wish to advance within the
organization, this could work against you in that the position for which you are interviewing may be a dead-end job.

· If using a Profile, don't include the same information listed on the resume. When listing your current and past employers, omit street names, zip codes, telephone numbers, and the names of supervisors. You really shouldn't go back any further than 10 to 15 years regarding employment, unless it is directly related to the position for which you are applying.

· When listing job duties, don't use sentences or paragraphs, as you don't want to be too wordy and bore the reader. Instead, use bullets without punctuation, maintaining consistency throughout.

· Don't eliminate a previously held job just because it doesn't relate to your career goal. You don't need to elaborate -- just mention it -- as you don't want a gap in employment.

· Never divulge the reasons why you left each place of employment nor your availability to begin working for the company -- both of which should be discussed in the interview.

· Don't place Education before Employment unless you are a current or soon to be graduate or have received your degree within the last two years, unless your education relates to the position for which you are applying. Don't include your GPA unless it is at least 3.0 or higher.

· Salary or wage should never be mentioned until an offer is presented at the interview and only if brought up by the prospective employer. The only exceptions would be if salary history or requirements are mentioned in the ad, in which case you need to follow the directions given.

· Hobbies and personal interests should be omitted unless they represent your career goal, such as "golfer" for a position at a golf course.

· Never list your references or the words "references furnished upon request" as this is an insult to the prospective employer's intelligence. Of course you will provide these if he or she requests them -- which wouldn't be until after your interview. So why give them information they may not need?

· Don't forget to put your name on the second page, in case it separates from the first page.

· Don't use cheap paper, carbons or onionskin. Don't use wild or bright colors for your resumes, as you want to remain conservative andbusiness-like.

· Upon completion of your resume, have your copies professionally reproduced -- not on a copy machine.

· Don't submit a resume longer than two pages. Never print on two sides of the same paper.

· Make sure there are no typographical or grammatical errors, erasures, white outs, scratched out or rewritten text, and that your paper isn't dirty, ripped, ink-marked, stained or wrinkled. Check that your verb tense is proper, using past and present tense when appropriate.

· To keep the professional image, it is suggested that you don't staple your resume.

· Prior to sending your resume, check to see if you placed adequate postage on your envelope and put a return address on it.

· Don't forget to include a cover letter with your resume as this is expected in the business world.

Keep in mind that you are marketing yourself with your resume. Be creative, honest and assertive. Before you mail your resume, review it one last time. Then ask yourself this question, "If I am a prospective employer, and I just read my resume, would I hire me?"


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